Work with me

Using a bespoke combination of results-focussed coaching, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy and Multiple Brain Integration Techniques (MBIT) we will work together to design a programme package that supports and facilitates you in saying a firm no to the status quo. You will reclaim your energy, identity and time and feel empowered to live a healthy, happy and authentic life.

This programme will help you to:

  • know, own, and understand the real you
  • express your whole self genuinely
  • live according to your values
  • find deeper meaning and fulfilment
  • completely love yourself
  • create a healthy work and home life balance
  • choose what you want to set your mind to
  • be and feel confident
  • rediscover your energy and zest for life

The particular areas in which I can help and support you are:

I can also help you to address health-related issues such as weight loss and smoking cessation.

If this resonates with you, contact me using the details below and we can arrange a no obligation chat.

Packages start from £250. Please contact me for a no obligation conversation.
Please note: There is currently a six week waiting list on the Mid-Life Mind and Body Breakthrough.