My approach

We can feel pressured by society to look our best, have a successful career and achieve a certain income or lifestyle—being our happy, healthy and authentic selves can actually feel uncomfortable.

Many of us want to be liked, loved and accepted for who we are, which can lead to presenting or pursuing an image that doesn't really match what we know about ourselves. Moreover, trying to be someone we are not and denying our own voice is exhausting. We decide that there must be something intrinsically wrong with us and, over time, we forget who we really are.

Sadly, suppressing our true selves can eventually cause feelings of loneliness, disconnection and inadequacy leading to anxiety, fatigue, depression or addiction. By attempting to fit in through perhaps achieving more at work and appearing to be successful and happy, we end up supporting the status quo and making it harder to say no to it.

Does this feel and sound like you? How would it be if you were able to say 'no' to the expectations of others which do not make you happy, to be your healthy, happy, authentic self while still having all the acceptance, energy, love and success you deserve?

I will work with you to help you see that there is nothing wrong with you, you do not need ‘fixing’ to fit the unrealistic expectations placed on you by society, to say no to the status quo which is not serving you and rediscover your happy, healthy, authentic self.

Using a bespoke combination of results-focussed coaching, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy and Multiple Brain Integration Techniques (MBIT) we will work together to design a package that supports you to say a firm no to the status quo. You will reclaim your energy, identity and time and feel empowered to live a healthy, happy and authentic life.

Healthy, happy, authentic you

The healthy, happy and authentic you will:

Kirsty coaching
  • know, own, and understand the real you
  • express your whole self genuinely
  • live according to your values
  • find deeper meaning and fulfilment
  • completely love yourself
  • create a healthy work and home life balance
  • choose what you want to set your mind to
  • be and feel confident
  • rediscover your energy and zest for life
Work with me

"Kirsty is a wonderful coach. Her supportive and nurturing style has enabled me tremendously with the confidence to tackle my goals head on."

Melanie Hawthorne – Arts professional

"Thank you for being an excellent listener and helping me to have the courage to push forward to achieve my goals. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you."

Rachel Cable - Charity Head

"I was stuck in a rut, feeling as though I was never fulfilling my potential. Working with Kirsty empowered me to progress to my dream CEO role."

Anela Anwar – CEO

"I couldn’t believe how much Kirsty’s coaching and tips and tricks helped me to create and believe in my dreams – they’re becoming reality!"

Melanie Hawthorne – Arts professional

"Kirsty helped me manage my motivation, time and energy to make sure it was sustainable. I now feel confident and happy about the future."

Anela Anwar – CEO

"Thank you so much for supporting me to go for a more senior role on my terms. I really felt as though you understood the conflicting pressures I was experiencing as a returning mother."

Rachel Cable - Charity Head

Know you can be your healthy, happy, authentic self while still having all the acceptance, energy, love and success you deserve.

Read more about my approach