About me

Over the last twenty-five years I have owned a successful business, worked in finance, held influential political positions and worked extensively in the third-sector, challenging inequality and poverty. I am now a Chief Executive, in a fulfilling role I am passionate about and where I can really make and see a difference.

I lead high-performing teams and have a history of helping others to see the bigger picture—supporting them in their journey towards the lives and careers that they wish to create for themselves. I am a Master NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist, mBIT Practitioner and a Professional Reiki Master .

My particular strength and interest lies in empowering women to say no to the status quo while reclaiming their healthy, happy and authentic lives.

During my working life I have often felt like I was failing, both as an employee and as a mother. I worked very hard, but remained convinced that my successes were the result of either luck or coincidence. I downplayed my abilities and, although I kept all the plates spinning, I lacked energy and motivation to do things that were important to me personally. I was an expert at putting myself last while trying to be the perfect parent and employee and accumulating bigger houses and further career roles. I had lost my ability to say no and, in my quest to have it all, I reached a stage where my health and happiness were suffering. Through NLP coaching I found the courage to say no and reclaim my healthy, happy and authentic life. I am passionate about helping you to do the same.

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Know you can be your healthy, happy, authentic self while still having all the acceptance, energy, love and success you deserve.

Read more about my approach