Mid-Life Mind and Body Breakthrough

Although there is a very good chance you are already doing pretty well in life on paper there may be areas of your life that you think are holding you back which you would like to say goodbye to once and for all.

You are a highly competent high achiever, and you are known for getting things done. Right now though, you feel stuck, unmotivated, in a rut and either under or overwhelmed and you don’t know how to create and sustain a life you love. The Mid-life Mind and Body Breakthrough will enable you to get rid of whatever baggage you are carrying and allow you to show up 100% with your career, relationships, fitness and health, confidence and overall happiness

I will tailor for you a complete Mid-life Mind and Body Breakthrough which will allow you to create a life you love, say a firm no to the status quo and step in to your healthy, happy, authentic self. You will not have to uproot your life or spend months rehashing painful old memories. The Mid-life Mind and Body Breakthrough will deliver results in a matter of days and the results will be transformational and sustainable. This will be the most important investment you have ever made in yourself.

Together we will work to:

  • Uncover the real problem, those habits and behaviours which are holding you back.
  • Get real clarity on your goals and dreams
  • Banish emotions and beliefs which are getting in between you and a life you love
  • Align your values behind your goals and dreams ensuring you are truly motivated and excited about creating and owning a life you love.
  • Ensure that you keep the promises you make to yourself
  • Regain control of all the choices you make
  • Say goodbye to Imposter Syndrome once and for all
  • Eliminate fears which are keeping you from your healthy, happy, authentic self
  • Have high levels of energy and motivation
  • Show up for yourself on purpose every day
  • Rediscover your health and energy to feel and look good in your body
  • Be the size and shape you want to be – with no need for yo-yo diets
  • Have an unshakable belief in yourself and your abilities
  • Develop self-care practices to keep you feeling healthy, happy and authentic
  • Love yourself completely

The Mid-Life Mind and Body Breakthrough

Once you have decided to make this investment in yourself we will have a 2 hour long call to discuss what your current issues are and your goals. Following this you need to commit to completing some thorough pre-work to allow me as your coach to prepare for your breakthrough weekend. The Mid-life Mind and Body Breakthrough takes two long days and it is advisable to stay away from home and away from distractions during this time. Following the breakthrough you will have access to me weekly for a period of twelve weeks while you create and settle in to the life you love.

Contact me to discuss the Mid-Life Mind and Body Breakthrough today.

Please note: There is currently a six week waiting list on the Mid-Life Mind and Body Breakthrough